How to Get Rid of Blemishes & Redness Quickly

Acne blemishes are characterized by the appearance of papules, pustules, nodules and cysts, which cause the skin to be severely irritated and red. This inflammation results in swelling, tenderness on the skin, and over time can affect self-esteem. Fortunately, you can apply a few treatments to the skin that will help clear acne breakouts while reducing redness and irritation on the skin. Using these treatments regularly will help the skin return to its naturally clear and calm condition.

Step 1

Kill acne-causing bacteria using an antibacterial oil, such as tea tree oil. Fill an empty bottle with 8 oz. of water, and add five drops of pure tea tree oil into it. Soak a cotton ball with the diluted tea tree oil, and spread the oil around the areas of skin affected by acne. Allow the diluted oil to soak into the skin. Repeat two times per day.
Step 2

Reduce redness with an oatmeal mask. Combine 1/2 cup of raw, ground oats with 1 cup of boiling water in a bowl. Set the bowl aside and let the oatmeal cool down completely. Spread the oatmeal onto the skin, covering the entire affected area. After 10 minutes, wipe off the oatmeal mask and rinse the skin with water. Apply an oatmeal mask once per day.
Step 3

Dry up pustules and decrease inflammation with calamine lotion. Soak the end of a cotton swab in calamine lotion, and dab the lotion onto the individual acne breakouts. Allow the calamine lotion to dry, and leave it on for at least one hour. Rinse off the lotion with water. Apply calamine lotion up to two times per day.
Things You'll Need
Tea tree oil
Cotton ball
Calamine lotion
Cotton swab
Tea tree oil is an antibacterial and antimicrobial oil that kills the bacteria on the skin that cause acne. While benzoyl-peroxide creams and other acne-fighting products can irritate and inflame the skin, tea tree oil fights acne while calming redness and swelling at the same time.
Oatmeal is a highly soothing and nourishing substance that can calm red, inflamed skin. It is important to use only raw, unrefined oatmeal that is free of sugars, additives and preservatives.
Calamine lotion is traditionally used to dry up the blisters from an infection of the chicken pox virus, but also can be used to effectively dry up acne pustules. Calamine lotion, unlike other products used to dry up pustules, will not irritate or inflame the skin.