How to Stop Stomach Cramps & Gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis refers to stomach inflammation brought on by a virus, bacterial invasion or an allergy. With this inflammation comes the risk of mild to severe stomach cramps that leave you doubled over and reaching for relief. Accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, treating this condition properly may stop these symptoms from getting worse. Always consult your physician if cramping worsens despite treatment, or if it interferes with your daily activities.
Step 1
Avoid consuming solid food or liquids for up to two hours to allow your stomach to settle and cramping to subside. notes that you may resume fluid intake of clear liquids only, such as water or sports drinks, after two hours. Avoid caffeinated drinks and acidic fruit juices.
Step 2
Eat only soft foods such as gelatin, incorporating crackers and dry toast as your discomfort subsides, suggests Foods containing milk may worsen cramps, so steer clear of puddings and ice cream. Resume your normal eating habits once your cramping and nausea are completely gone.
Step 3
Take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory to ease stomach cramping. Anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen decrease swelling and pain.
Step 4
Consult your physician for chronic vomiting or diarrhea. This causes severe dehydration which worsens stomach and intestinal cramping. At home measures are not always enough and your doctor can prescribe medications that cease vomiting and diarrhea to help prevent dehydration.
If you have liver disease, consult your physician before taking anti-inflammtories, as these medications may harm liver function when used long-term.