How to Use Aloe in Diabetes

Diabetes--too much sugar, or glucose, in the blood--is caused by your body's inability to regulate insulin. According to the Mayo Clinic website, having diabetes doubles your risk of having a heart attack or stroke, and can cause nerve damage, circulatory problems, slow healing, blindness and increased risk of infection. The aloe vera plant has been used for thousands of years to treat wounds and burns, and some evidence suggests it can lower blood sugar levels as well. If you are interested in trying aloe to alleviate your symptoms of diabetes, your doctor can advise you whether or not you are a good candidate for this complementary treatment.

Step 1
Take a tablespoonful of aloe juice twice a day to help regularize insulin flow and lower blood glucose levels naturally. According to the Herb Companion website, a 1995 clinical study showed that 39 diabetic patients who took this dosage of aloe juice for two weeks experienced significant drops in blood sugar.
Step 2
Take a tablespoonful of aloe vera juice twice a day to open constricted blood vessels and facilitate the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your bloodstream, and to combat the vascular disease that can accompany diabetes. According to the Common Sense Health website, the mannose in aloe vera opens blood vessels and frees up blood flow.
Step 3
Take 30 milliliters of aloe vera juice twice a day to protect your heart. Aloe vera juice contains glucomannan, which promotes healthy levels of blood triglycerides, or fat; excess triglycerides are linked with the onset of coronary artery disease. According to the Facts About Diabetes website, results of a 1996 Bangkok study showed that patients with high fasting blood sugar lowered their triglycerides by 44 percent after taking this dose of aloe vera juice for six weeks.
Step 4
Apply pure aloe vera gel to diabetic boils to reduce inflammation and irritation. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center website, one study showed that aloe vera displayed anti-inflammatory effects superior to that of 1 percent hydrocortisone cream.
Step 5
Apply pure aloe vera gel to minor cuts and scrapes to soothe them and promote healing. According to the Mayo Clinic website, aloe gel may improve wound healing. In addition, aloe vera's antimicrobial properties may even reduce the chances of infection, to which diabetics are prone.
Things You'll Need
Aloe vera juice, available at health food stores
Pure aloe vera gel
If you are diabetic, use aloe vera only under the direct supervision of a medical doctor. According to the National Institutes of Health website, the possibility of aloe vera lowering your blood sugar may necessitate monitoring of serum levels, and possible adjustments to your medication as well.
According to the National Institutes of Health website, oral aloe can also decrease potassium in your body; to avoid potassium levels falling too low, do not use aloe vera if you are currently taking digoxin or diuretics.
For more information on possible side effects of aloe vera, visit the National Library of Medicine listed in the Resources section.