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    Kidney Detox Symptoms

    Detoxifying the body is an ideal way to eliminate toxic substances that build up in the organs and prevent your system from functioning at its best. Some of the best ways to detoxify are through using herbs or enemas, fasting, or eating fresh fruits and vegetables that help flush out waste products. Detoxifying the kidneys helps them absorb nutrients and filter toxins more efficiently. A kidney detox that helps sweep out an overload of protein and other burdensome substances can be key to helping you feel your optimum best. As with many things, arriving at this desirable goal is not necessarily easy or comfortable.

    Woman with headache holding her head (Image: SIphotography/iStock/Getty Images)

    Physical Symptoms

    We are all different, and so our reactions to detoxifying the kidneys may take a variety of forms, depending on our physical makeup. The most common physical symptoms that occur from a kidney detox are headache, bad breath, body odor, nausea, dizziness, depression, moodiness, fatigue, diarrhea, gas, insomnia and thirst. More acute symptoms can include rashes, aches and pains.


    As the kidneys detoxify, cravings for various foods may arise. Often, this is the deal breaker during a cleansing, as many of us do not have the willpower to resist such cravings. If the sensation arises, it is best to avoid any contact with the foods you crave. Drinking copious quantities of water and appropriate juices can help fight your cravings. Exercise and breathing techniques are also excellent, helpful and essential ways to keep yourself on track.

    Kidney Stones

    Kidney stones are often passed during a kidney detox diet program. These stones can indicate an imbalance between calcium and magnesium in your body. When you pass stones as a result of a detoxification diet, these crystals can place pressure on the urinary tract, especially if they are large. As you eliminate stones, you may feel nauseous and experience pain in the groin as they pass through your system and out of the body. As stones move down the urethra, you may feel the need to urinate more often, along with a burning sensation when you do. If you experience fever and chills, you may have an infection, in which case, contacting your health care provider is recommended.

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    Cisti e calcoli renali