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    Painful Symptoms of Prostatitis

    Prostatitis is a condition in which the prostate is painfully swollen or inflamed. It can be caused by infection, stress, injury or an immune or nervous system disorder. There are three major types of prostatitis: acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic prostatitis and nonbacterial prostatitis. Symptoms associated with prostatitis are varied, but typically painful.

    You may have some pelvic pain. (Image: VladimirFLoyd/iStock/Getty Images)

    Urinary Pain

    If you have prostatitis, you may experience a painful or burning sensation when you urinate-a condition called dysuria. You may also find that you feel the urge to urinate frequently, but may have difficulty doing so. Some men with prostatitis also develop frequent urinary tract infections, which require treatment with antibiotics. Urinary pain may also be alleviated through the use of alpha blockers. Alpha blockers are a type of medication that relaxes the bladder and prostate muscles.

    Pelvic Pain

    If you have prostatitis, you may experience achy or sharp pain within your abdomen, groin or lower back. Pelvic pain may make it uncomfortable to sit for prolonged periods of time. Though pelvic pain should not be ignored, over-the-counter analgesic or anti-inflammatory medications may help alleviate your symptoms.

    Perineum Pain

    If you have prostatitis, you may experience achy or sharp pain around the perineum-the area between the penis and the rectum. Perineum pain may interfere with your ability to sit down comfortably. Though perineum pain should not be ignored, you may be able to control your painful symptoms through the use of over-the-counter pain medication or by taking a warm sitz bath.

    Penile or Testicular Pain

    If you have prostatitis, you may experience pain or discomfort within the penis or testicles. Pain may be sharp or achy, and can contribute to difficulties urinating. In addition to using over-the-counter pain medications or taking a warm sitz bath, you may find some pain relief through prostatic massage. During this procedure, your doctor will place a lubricated finger into your rectum to massage the prostate.

    Ejaculatory Pain

    If you have prostatitis, you may experience pain or discomfort during erection or ejaculation. This can interfere with your ability to be intimate with your partner and can be emotionally troubling. Speak with your physician to determine the best way to address this symptom.


    If you have prostatitis, you may find it difficult or painful to empty your bowels due to constipation. Fiber supplements or stool softeners may help alleviate any discomfort you feel when emptying your bowels.