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    What Are the Causes of Burning Stomach After Eating Cantalope?

    Eating cantaloupe is intended to be a refreshing experience, but if you develop a burning sensation in your stomach, you may avoid eating the fruit. A burning sensation in the stomach may be a sign of a more serious digestive condition that needs to be assessed by your doctor. If you develop any other symptoms, such as blood in your stool, severe pain or vomiting, call your doctor right away. Avoid eating cantaloupe until you can be seen by your heath-care provider.

    Whole and halved cantalope. (Image: agcuesta/iStock/Getty Images)

    Food Allergy

    The University of Maryland Medical Center states that cantaloupe is a food that can trigger an allergic reaction. If you're allergic to cantaloupe, your immune system develops a hypersensitivity to the proteins in the fruit and causes a wide range of symptoms. A food allergy will directly affect your digestive system, causing nausea, vomiting, cramping, stomach pain, diarrhea and bloating. These symptoms are the result of inflammation in the lining of the digestive system, which may lead to a burning sensation in your stomach. An allergic reaction to cantaloupe may also cause shortness of breath, skin rashes and lightheadedness.


    A burning sensation in the stomach after eating is a primary symptom of dyspepsia, which occurs in one in four people, according to the Family Doctor website. This condition may occur for no apparent reason, causing burning, pain, heartburn, vomiting, burping, bloating and nausea. The most common causes of dyspepsia are peptic ulcers and acid reflux. If you've been diagnosed with either of these conditions, call your doctor and report your symptoms. This condition may be a sign of stomach cancer and should be reported immediately to your doctor if you're older than 50, have lost excessive amounts of weight, have trouble swallowing, develop severe vomiting and notice tarry bowel movements.

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Eating certain fruits can trigger a burning sensation in your stomach if you have irritable bowel syndrome. This condition commonly causes digestive complications, such as stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas and cramping. Not everyone diagnosed with IBS is affected the same way by the same foods. If you have IBS and you notice that eating cantaloupe triggers IBS symptoms, eliminate the fruit from your diet and talk with your doctor about the risk of eating other melons.


    A chronic burning sensation may be the result of food poisoning. If you develop a fever and body chills and your symptoms progressively worsen, call your doctor. Food poisoning occurs when you eat cantaloupe that is contaminated with an infectious organism.