Causes of Hip & Pelvic Pain

Numerous conditions can cause hip and pelvis pain. Hip and pelvis pain may be caused by traumatic injury or certain medical conditions. Pain in the region may signal a serious underlying condition that requires medical intervention. However, some types of hip and pelvis pain respond well to conservative care methods.

Hip Bursitis
Hip bursitis can cause hip and pelvis pain. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons or AAOS, bursitis occurs when a bursa--a small fluid-filled sac--becomes inflamed or irritated. Bursae are located throughout the body, usually around the body's principle weight-bearing joints, and help reduce friction between gliding muscles and bone. The AAOS states that inflammation of the bursa overlying the hip's greater trochanter--a bony prominence on the sides of the hip--often causes trochanteric bursitis, which is one type of hip bursitis. Another type of hip bursitis occurs on the inside of the hip, between the iliopsoas muscle and the thigh bone. Common signs and symptoms associated with hip bursitis include pain in the hip and pelvis area, pain in the affected area that's initially sharp, intense and worse at night, pain when rising from a seated position and pain that's made worse by long bouts of walking, squatting or stair climbing.
Pelvic Fracture
A fractured pelvis can cause extreme hip and pelvis pain. The Cedars-Sinai Medical Center or CSMC--a Los Angeles, California-based non-profit hospital and academic medical center--states that pelvic fractures are rare and range in severity from mild to marked. Minor pelvic fractures require several weeks to heal. Major pelvic fractures can endanger a person's life and damage the bladder, intestines and rectum. According to the CSMC, pelvic fractures are classified as stable or unstable. Stable pelvic fractures involve one break point, minimal bleeding and no bone displacement. Unstable pelvic fractures two or more pelvic breaks, along with significant bleeding. Common signs and symptoms associated with pelvic fractures include pain in the groin, hip and lower back, abdominal pain, numbness and tingling in the groin or legs and difficulty urinating, walking or standing.
SI Joint Dysfunction
Sacroiliac, or SI, joint dysfunction can cause hip and pelvic pain. According to the Sports Injury Clinic website, the SI joints are situated at the base of the spine, on either side of the sacrum or the wedge-shaped bone in the low back. The SI joints link the sacrum with the ilia or hip bones. The Sports Injury Clinic website states that SI joint dysfunction describes either hypomobility or lack of movement within the joint or hypermobility--too much motion--within the joint. In some cases, the SI joint becomes locked, which affects the nearby ligaments and muscles. Common signs and symptoms associated with SI joint dysfunction include pain in the pelvis, lower back, gluteal region, groin and hips, difficulty turning over in bed, lower back stiffness and tenderness in the ligaments surrounding the SI joints. SI joint dysfunction usually responds well to conservative care methods, such as joint manipulation, manual therapies and certain physical therapy modalities.