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    How to Remove Fine Lines and Wrinkles in the Face

    While wrinkles and fine lines are a normal part of aging, they make the skin appear tired and can be of significant cosmetic concern, especially for women. You can prevent premature wrinkling by avoiding the sun and taking proper care of your skin, but wrinkles caused by genetics and aging are not avoidable. Fortunately, mild cases of wrinkles usually respond to treatment with over-the-counter or prescription creams. Deep wrinkles may require more invasive removal methods.

    Woman putting cream on her face (Image: gpointstudio/iStock/Getty Images)

    Step 1

    Moisturize every morning and night to keep your skin hydrated and minimize fine lines and wrinkles. Properly hydrated skin is plumper, which helps mask wrinkles and makes the skin appear more youthful.

    Step 2

    Try an over-the-counter wrinkle cream containing hydroxy acids, copper peptides, retinol or kinetin. These products contain ingredients that work by removing the surface layer of facial skin or by stimulating the production of collagen. The CNN Health website states that over-the-counter wrinkle creams may cause a slight improvement in crow's feet and wrinkles when used daily for many weeks.

    Step 3

    Use a prescription-strength medication, such as tretinoin or tazarotene, to remove face wrinkles that fail to respond to over-the-counter products. Prescription wrinkle creams containing vitamin A derivatives may cause skin irritation, burning, dryness, redness and itchiness and increase your skin's sensitivity to the sun. For this reason, it is important to use the lowest effective dose and to wear sunscreen at all times while using one of these medications.

    Step 4

    Wear sunscreen on your face every day. Sun exposure contributes significantly to skin aging and wrinkles, reports CNN Health. Protecting your skin from UV light prevents the formation of new wrinkles, allows wrinkle creams to work more effectively and may help reduce the appearance of existing wrinkles.

    Step 5

    Undergo skin resurfacing to remove the surface layer of your skin and remove fine lines and wrinkles. Procedure such as dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, laser therapy, and chemical peels improve the skin's appearance by removing damaged skin so that younger looking, smoother skin can grow in its place.

    Step 6

    Try injectable fillers, such as collagen, fat or hyaluronic acid, to smooth out wrinkles and improve your skin's appearance. Filler injections may cause temporary side effects and must typically be repeated every few months.

    Step 7

    Ask your doctor if a surgical face-lift procedure can effectively remove your facial wrinkles. A face-lift improves the skin's appearance by removing excess fat and skin and tightening the underlying connective tissue and muscles in your face. A face-lift may remove wrinkles for as many as 10 years, depending on the location of your wrinkles.

    Things You'll Need

    • Moisturizing lotion

    • Over-the-counter wrinkle cream

    • Sunscreen, SPF 30 or higher