How to Repair Your Fingernails After Fake Nails

Fake nails come in a variety of lengths, colors and designs, allowing people to drastically change the look of their hands. Unfortunately, fake nails can also damage the natural nails underneath due to the chemicals in the primer and adhesives used to apply them. These chemicals make the natural nails thin, weak, dry, and prone to splits and breaks. It takes time to grow healthy nails and reverse nail damage, but there are ways to speed up the process.

Step 1

Apply a clear strengthening polish to your nails every two days until your nails are healed, which can take a month or two. These polishes usually have added minerals, such as protein and calcium, and are designed to bond the nail layers together and make them stronger. They also work to protect your nails.
Step 2

Apply a cuticle cream to your fingernails every night. Look for a cream that has vitamin E. This will nourish your nails and promote healthy growth.
Step 3

Soak your nails in extra virgin olive oil for 10 minutes a day for a month. After the month is up, you can soak your nail in the oil twice a week. This home remedy provides strength and moisture to your nails.
Step 4

Wear gloves for chores such as dishes and scrubbing the bathroom. Cleaners have harsh chemicals that can damage your nails and make already dry nails even worse.
Step 5

Eat foods rich in biotin, which helps to make nails thicker and stronger. Cauliflower, avocado and whole grains are sources of biotin.
Things You'll Need
Strengthening polish
Cuticle cream
Extra virgin olive oil
Be sure to remove your fake nails properly to prevent as much damage as possible. Clip the nails as short as you can before removing them, and then soak your fingers in an acetone solution that comes in nail-removal kits.
Avoid removing the strengthening polish or changing colored polish often. Nail-polish removers strip oils and minerals from the nails, so they should be used minimally.