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    What Color of Clothing Makes Eyes Look More Enhanced?

    The term "opposites attract" isn't just an old relationship adage; turns out, it's a piece of beauty wisdom as well. Choosing clothing in colors that are the opposite of your eye color will enhance your eyes. However, the opposite is also true; matching your clothing to your eye color is another way to play up your irises. Confused? Don't worry -- just read on for tips on what colors to wear to make your eyes the center of attention.

    The shades of green in this woman's top bring out the green in her eyes. (Image: Digital Vision/Digital Vision/Getty Images)

    Blue-eyed Babe

    Odd as it may sound, wearing shades of orange will turn up the wattage of your blue eyes. Orange and blue are complementary, or opposite of each other, along the color wheel. Clothing in shades of blue will enhance your blue eyes as well. Don't worry about what hues or shades to choose -- feel free to run the gamut from burnt orange to tangerine, and from baby blue to cobalt.

    Green-eyed Gal

    In addition to wearing an Emerald-colored blouse, you can play up your green eyes with shades of purple. As with blue and orange, the two colors are complementary; each provides the greatest contrast to the other. If you've got dark green eyes, try wearing lavender, mauve or orchid. Hues like plum, aubergine and royal purple also will make pale green eyes pop.

    Brown Betty

    Brown eyes are just a tad trickier; because brown is considered a neutral, it does not lie on the color wheel the way green and blue do. Luckily, since brown is a mixture of all the primary colors, a myriad of options await you. Warm hues like red, orange and burgundy help brown peepers pop; but bright blue, eggplant and gold-flecked greens also do the trick.

    Lady Gray

    Like brown, gray is also considered a neutral. Gray eyes look great with black clothing. The contrast of light and dark will make your eyes pop; and since black is also traditionally neutral, it won't overwhelm the lightness of gray. Also, it's very likely you have either a green or blue hue to your gray; if this is the case, follow the rules for those eye colors accordingly.

    Hazel Hottie

    Got hazel eyes? Lucky you -- the choices that apply to green- and brown-eyed girls apply to you, too. Purple, green, brown or orange -- clothing in either color, in any shade, will pick up similar shades in your irises and bring them out beautifully. A little gold glint will also enhance any hint of gold in your eyes, according to the experts at glassescrafter.com.

    Black Beauty

    Just like brown and gray, black is considered a neutral and doesn't lie on the color wheel. Black irises get a boost when you wear white, gray or black. From silver to charcoal, any shade of gray will work, but light hues will provide a starkly cool contrast.