The Calories in Cognac

Cognac is a distilled alcoholic beverage that originates from the Cognac region in France. It is made from white wine and must be aged in oak barrels taken from trees in the Limousin forest. The aging period ranges from 2 to more than 50 years.

According to the McKinley Health Center, one serving of 80 proof distilled spirits consists of 1.5 oz. A 1.5 oz. serving of Cognac provides 105 calories. (Reference 2,3).
For those who prefer to drink distilled spirits with a mixer, the Henessy Cognac website recommends adding 3.5 oz. of ginger ale to 1.5 oz. of cognac. A serving of Cognac with 3.5 oz. of ginger ale would contain around 140 calories.
Empty Calories
The calories provided by Cognac and other alcoholic drinks are known as "empty calories." Empty-calorie foods and drinks are high in caloric content but have a very low nutritional value.