The Side Effects of Pantoprazole Sodium 40 Mg

Pantoprazole sodium is a prescription medication indicated for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease, severe inflammation of the esophagus and disorders in which excessive acid is secreted into the gastrointestinal tract. Pantoprazole works by suppressing the secretion of gastric acid. It is taken one or two times a day, according to the "2010 Lippincott's Nursing Drug Guide." Like all medications, pantoprazole sodium carries the risk of adverse effects.

Headache is a common side effect of pantoprazole sodium, relates It can also cause back pain, neck pain, joint discomfort and chest pain. Some patients complain of dizziness, a sensation that the room is spinning, difficulty sleeping, unusual dreams, weakness, tense muscles, tingling hands or feet or ringing in the ears. Confusion, anxiety and loss of interest in life are occasional side effects.
Abdominal Pain
Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, intestinal gas and diarrhea are common gastrointestinal complaints among pantoprazole users. Belching, heartburn and constipation are less common. Patients taking pantoprazole can also experience both dry mouth and increased saliva production.
Difficulty Breathing
Side effects of pantaprazole include difficulty breathing, sinus infection or inflammation, sore throat, runny nose, bronchitis and cough. Nosebleeds and fever are other adverse effects, reports the "2010 Lippincott's Nursing Drug Guide."
Pantaprazole can affect the skin, causing a rash, inflammation, hives or itchy skin. Some users experience excessively dry skin or scalp hair loss.
Other Effects
Pantoprazole can affect the body in ways that may only be apparent via laboratory testing. It may cause elevated blood glucose, explains CenterWatch. Blood cholesterol and uric acid may be elevated and liver function tests may be abnormal.
To lessen the risk of adverse effects, patients should only take pantoprazole sodium for the length of time recommended by their physicians and alert their physicians if they experience any side effects. Patients should not crush or chew pantoprazole. It can be taken with a meal or snack if it causes stomach problems, explains Patients should avoid driving or performing crucial tasks if pantoprazole makes them feel dizzy.