The Effects of Viagra 25 mg

Erectile dysfunction or inability to achieve and maintain erections is among most commonly treated sexual problems in males. This increasingly occurs with middle to old age although it can also affect young men. General treatment revolves around increasing libido or desire and mainly the ability to have erections. These options depend on the age, medical conditions and other lifestyle habits of the patient.
Causes of difficulty can be reduced blood flow, hormone imbalance, medication related or just related to the mind.
Reduced blood flow
This is the most common cause of erectile difficulty and is usually treated with medications. Advanced age, heart disease, high cholesterol, smoking, certain medications can make it worse. The first line treatment are medications that help increase blood flow to the penis such as Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and now Stendra also known as PDE-5 inhibitors. These medication are the same category of drugs but work slightly differently. Viagra is the oldest drug in this class and dosage starts at 25 mg going up to 100 mg.
Why are there various doses?
Depending on the severity of the erectile difficulty Viagra can work differently on people. The usual starting dose of 25 mg is taken one hour prior to sexual activity on an empty stomach. Taking this along with a fatty meal can delay onset of erection and possibly reduce the effect of the medication. If this dose doesn't work then most doctors recommend going up to 50 or 100 mg. The advantage of 25 mg is that it can cause fewer side effects and is well tolerated by patients.
Common side effects
Viagra and its class of medications are frequently associated with side effects such as headaches, nasal congestion, flushed, red skin, runny nose, vision tinged with a blue haze. For patients who have medical history of heart disease and take nitrates, combining it with Viagra can cause a life threatening drop in blood pressure.
Other uses of 25 mg Viagra
In middle aged to older men with urinary symptoms as well as enlarged prostates, such as frequency of urination, waking up at night to urinate, weakened or slow stream, difficulty starting to urinate or a stop and start pattern of urination can also be helped by taking 25 mg of Viagra daily. Patients report considerable improvement in symptoms when Viagra is taken in combination with other drugs commonly prescribed for enlarged prostates.
Viagra has the longest safety profile of all these drugs. But it is associated with unpleasant side effects as noted above. The most important precaution to take is consult with a cardiologist before starting Viagra because of its potent effect on the heart. Rare side effects include vision loss in one eye and hearing loss. Patients on certain HIV medications could also have adverse effects from taking Viagra.