High Testosterone Symptoms in Men
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Testosterone is a hormone produced by the testes in men and, in smaller amounts, by the ovaries in women. There can be positive effects from slightly elevated testosterone levels in men, or there can be negative effect from testosterone levels that are extremely high. Slightly elevated testosterone levels in men allows for muscles to build easily, helps keep the energy level up and contributes to a healthy libido. Testosterone levels that are too high, however, have serious negative consequences on a man's health.![](http://lavozdeecuador.com/img/images_1/high-testosterone-symptoms-in-men.jpg)
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Depression is deep emotional feeling of sadness. This feeling lasts for long periods of time and can be so severe as to make the person feel hopeless. There are also physical symptoms that accompany depression such as loss of appetite, aching muscles, insomnia or sleeping too long, or weight fluctuation. People suffering from depression generally have a loss of interest in activities they previously enjoyed. When depression becomes too severe, medical attention must be sought. The reason for depression with high testosterone levels is a disruption in hormonal balance, making the body respond negatively.
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Aggressiveness is the term used for acting with hostility. Men who have high levels of testosterone usually respond to situations in an overly aggressive manner. They have more of a tendency to get into fights with others. A study conducted in 1999 by Penn State University titled "Testosterone and Men's Health" claims that men with higher testosterone levels would be healthier if they avoided risky behavior.
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Impulsivity describes a tendency to do things without thinking about them first. Men with high testosterone levels may act without thought of the consequences involved.
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Uncontrollable anger goes hand in hand with high levels of testosterone. It is harder for men to control their emotions, especially anger, when the hormones are imbalanced.
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Mood Swings
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Mood swings are severe ups and downs in mood. A man with high testosterone levels could be happy one minute and depressed or furious the next. There is usually no trigger for these mood swings; however, any emotions displayed will be over-reactive if there is a trigger.
Shrinking Testicles
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Excess testosterone in the blood can completely shut down the activity within the testes, resulting in shrinking testicles. If a man notices a significant change in testicular size, he needs to see a doctor immediately. According to MayoClinic.com, men who undergo testosterone therapy for a long period of time are apt to experience testicular shrinkage.
Lower Sperm Count
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High amounts of testosterone in the body can lead to a lower sperm count. The male reproductive system is overwhelmed with the amount of testosterone present, thus causing reproductive problems. The production of sperm in the testes is reduced significantly, and can even become halted until the levels of the hormone are lowered.