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    Male Hip Pain

    The male hip region has bones, muscles, ligaments and nerves that can all be a source of pain. According to American Family Physician, the key to discovering the cause of each pain is knowing the patients history, as well as utilizing a thorough examination technique. Radiological exams such as CT, MRI and X-ray may all be needed to help the doctor in the diagnosis of your hip pain.

    Male hip pain can affect quality of life. (Image: AndreyPopov/iStock/Getty Images)


    It is important for you to understand the different symptoms associated with hip pain. An accurate explanation of your symptoms will provide the physician with necessary tools to diagnose your pain. Symptoms may vary from centralized pain to pain that shoots into your lower leg. Some pain may only come when you are moving the hip joint, and other pain may even haunt you at rest. You may have numbness, burning or difficulty moving the hip joint.


    According to "The Male Body: An Owners Manual," the No. 1 cause of male hip pain is arthritis, an inflammation of the joint caused by overuse. Middle-aged men between the ages of 40 to 70 are also at risk for transient osteoporosis, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. A major concern for men who have hip pain is prostate cancer which, as MayoClinic.com states, may cause pain or discomfort in this area. Other causes include hip fractures, bursitis, a pinched nerve or an injured muscle. Occasionally, the hip pain you feel may not even be a hip problem. The University of Maryland Medical Center says that hip pain is common with lower back problems.


    Treating your hip pain is based on how the pain is originated. While some treatment methods may work for bursitis, the same methods would not work for a fractured hip or other hip disease. Only your doctor should develop a treatment plan and work with you on what is acceptable and what is not. In severe cases, treatment for arthritis may include total hip surgery. In the case of transient osteoporosis, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons states this disease will usually resolve by itself within six to 12 months. Physical therapy or pain relievers may be prescribed during this time. For prostate cancer, radiation treatments are common and should be discussed with your doctor.


    Losing weight and stretching on a regular basis can help with preventing hip pain from wear and tear.The book "The Male Body: An Owners Manual," states that 70 percent of you body weight is supported by your hips. The less stress on your hips, the better chance of avoiding hip problems later in life. Healthy eating and exercise is also a positive prevention for prostate cancer, though more evidence is needed to confirm this. Osteoporosis is often prevented by strengthening your bones, so talk with a physician about calcium supplements you may need to take, and about getting the nutrients your body needs for good bone health.


    The cause and treatment of your hip pain can only begin after you discuss your issues with a medical practitioner. If bearing weight causes increased pain, avoid standing or placing stress on your hip joint until your doctor states it is alright to do so. Doing so could aggravate any injury and place the joint in increased chance for other problems.