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    Malattie e condizioni - Pagina 200

    The Differences Between Mucinex & Sudafed
    Nasal congestion can be unpleasant, often sending people rushing to the medicine aisle of their local drugstore to find relief. While Mucinex and Sudafed products both help to relieve nasal...
    Le differenze tra bronchite e pertosse
    Bronchite e pertosse sono due condizioni respiratorie che hanno sintomi simili. Questa somiglianza rende particolarmente difficile diagnosticare l'uno sull'altro. Nonostante i loro sintomi simili, le due condizioni differiscono nelle cause,...
    The Difference Between Muscular Dystrophy and Multiple Sclerosis
    Progressive muscular weakness, muscle wasting, loss of coordination, balance problems and walking difficulties are characteristics of a number of diseases. These signs and symptoms can stem from any condition that...
    The Difference Between Dobutamine & Dopamine
    Dopamine and dobutamine are both substances that have important actions on our bodies. Both act at specific cell receptors and produce significant changes in those cells. Dobutamine is a drug...
    The Difference Between Cod Liver Oil & Omega-3 Supplements
    Cod liver oil is one source of essential omega-3 fats, but not necessarily the best source. Although other types of fish oil are richer in omega-3 fats, some people choose...
    La differenza tra una contrazione isotonica e isometrica
    I muscoli sono costituiti da molte fibre individuali, più o meno allo stesso modo di una corda. Quando queste fibre vengono stimolate, il muscolo si contrae. Se c'è una forza...
    The Difference Between a Laxative & Stool Softener
    Your body relies on the nutrients from the foods you eat for survival. Mechanical and chemical processes break food down into molecules that are absorbed through your intestines, and the...
    La dieta per il recupero dalla colite
    La colite, nota anche come colite ulcerosa, è un tipo di malattia infiammatoria intestinale caratterizzata da infiammazione cronica del colon. I sintomi della colite ulcerosa, che includono gonfiore, dolore addominale...