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    Pregnant With Tingling Feet

    Just in case the insomnia, morning sickness and fatigue weren't enough, pregnancy sometimes also causes tingling, restless feet. Your leg symptoms occur for a number of reasons, all related to your pregnancy hormones and your changing body. While tingling feet are rarely a serious problem, they're often a serious annoyance that disrupts your comfort level. Understanding the cause of your tingling feet helps you better prevent and treat the condition - meaning one less pregnancy symptom to worry about.

    Poor Circulation

    Your growing uterus paired with the weight and heft of your baby inside your womb often results in pressure on the various veins and arteries in your body. The result is generally poor circulation, leading to swelling and tingling "pins and needles" in your feet. This problem is most likely to affect you when you remain in one position for a long period of time, such as sitting on a plane or standing for your job.

    Restless Legs Syndrome

    Restless legs syndrome can afflict anyone, but it's particularly common for pregnant women. While the actual link between RLS and pregnancy is unclear as of 2011, according to the BabyCenter website, RLS is diagnosed as a tingling, crawling feeling in the legs that stops temporarily when you move your legs around. RLS is often paired with insomnia, making it difficult for you to catch quality shuteye during your pregnancy. RLS is treated with prescription drugs, but those drugs aren't always appropriate for pregnant women.


    If your tingling feet are the result of poor circulation, it's vital that you keep moving. Ensuring that blood continues to pump to your legs helps to improve circulation and lessen the effects of your growing belly. If you must remain in the same position for a long period of time, compression stockings can help to improve circulation.

    If your tingling feet are linked to RLS, it's important that you avoid caffeine before bedtime, as the stimulant exacerbates symptoms. Exercising close to bed helps to relieve the sensation to move, as will a warm bath or a gentle massage. Get your doctor's approval for any exercise plans during pregnancy.


    When the tingling begins, it's helpful to change your position to see if it stops the sensation. Reaching down and giving your ankles, feet and calves a quick massage also helps to relieve the tingling. If the tingling continues to bother you, bring it up at your next prenatal appointment. In some cases, pregnancy-safe medication is necessary to improve circulation or calm restless legs until your pregnancy ends and the tingling sensations go away.