Shannen Doherty's Gutsy Post-Chemo Dance Is the Best Thing on Social Media

Ever since Shannen Doherty inspired us by opening up about her breast cancer battle in a series of moving Instagram posts, we've been in her corner.

In a recent, heartbreaking interview, she shared that her cancer has spread to her lymph nodes and that she'll need chemotherapy and radiation to battle it. But in typical badass fashion, Doherty shows her indomitable spirit in a series of Instagram videos.
Last Wednesday Doherty posted a video of herself receiving chemo with a caption explaining how thankful she is to the staff: “Chemo day. I'm lucky to have such a great team!!!”
Chemo day. I'm lucky to have such a great team!!! Dawn has been taking care of me from pretty much the start along with Dr Piro, Joyce, Rosie, Kathy and everyone else at the clinic. I don't enjoy chemo day or needle like things in my chest or my port but, at least with this crew it's not so bad. Make sure you connect not only with your oncologist but also with the person administering your chemo. Thank you to The Angeles Clinic.
A video posted by ShannenDoherty (@theshando) on Oct 5, 2016 at 11:21am PDT
While most people would let the grueling treatments get the best of them, Doherty decided to stay positive and active post-treatment, explaining via Instagram that just keeping moving can help with the healing process.
After chemo day. I believe that just moving helps so much in the healing process. It's not always easy and sometimes I can't do it the next day but I try to make an effort to get the blood flowing and the toxins out of my body thru working out. Some days are easy workouts and other days I push it but the key is to MOVE!!! This is for any illness. Obviously check with your doctor. The road to recovery is paved with all sorts of different material. #beastmode #fightlikeagirl #warrior
A video posted by ShannenDoherty (@theshando) on Oct 6, 2016 at 3:33pm PDT
And what does Shannon Doherty do to keep moving and stay positive in the eyes of such a terrifying disease? Shake her booty like a boss.
Let me tell ya… shaking your booty is hard work with my Neda who's been helping me move and get toxins out. Yes I was tired, yes I wanted to be in bed but I went and moved and felt way better. Any exercise during illness is good. We can do it!!! #beastmode with @jammalibu #fightlikeagirl #warrior
A video posted by ShannenDoherty (@theshando) on Oct 6, 2016 at 7:30pm PDT
“Yes I was tired, yes I wanted to be in bed but I went and moved and felt way better,” Doherty explained in the caption of her booty-shaking workout video. “Any exercise during illness is good. We can do it!!! #beastmode.”
These latest posts by Doherty show us the immensely impactful way social media can raise awareness and help support systems for the times that are hardest for those battling an illness.
What Do YOU Think?
Have you or a friend battled cancer? How did you stay positive in the face of illness? Do you think “just moving” can help after chemo? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!