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    Treatments for Blocked Sweat Glands

    Miliaria is the medical term that describes the rash you might get when your sweat pores are blocked. Intense heat and humidity and friction from your clothing can contribute to the blockage of your sweat ducts, according to the New Zealand Dermatological Society's Dermnet NZ information center. Miliaria is sometimes referred to as a heat rash or prickly heat due to the red bumps that are associated with the condition. Treatments include cooling off your skin, removing irritants and using topical medications to relieve pain and itching.

    Close-up of a man sweating on the floor of a gym while lifting handweights. (Image: Digital Vision./Photodisc/Getty Images)

    Cool Your Skin

    When your sweat ducts are blocked, your skin needs time to heal without further irritation. Cooling off your skin so that you don't sweat any more can help significantly, according to Dermnet NZ. Sitting in an air conditioned environment or applying cool compresses to your skin are two ways to speed the healing process. Sweating more just clogs your pores more and may lead to a fresh case of blistering, red, itchy welts.

    Reduce Irritation

    Wearing loose clothing made from natural fibers that breathe, sch as cotton, can reduce the amount of sweat you produce. Synthetic materials such as polyester and rayon do not allow air to circulate around your skin as much as cotton or hemp garments, and may make you sweat more. Wear the bare minimum in the privacy of your own home to reduce the friction produced by your clothing, which can irritate your rash. Use cool water when washing and a gentle cleanser--or none at all--to reduce your exposure to harsh chemicals.

    Pain and Itch Relief

    Cortisone-based creams and ointments calm your itchy, painful miliaria rash by reducing inflammation, according to MayoClinic.com. Consult your doctor if you have concerns about using over-the-counter medications on your skin. Most cases of blocked sweat pores resolve themselves with self-care measures and do not require prescription medications.