How to Decrease Pubic Hair

Both men and women remove pubic hair, or hair in the groin or bikini area, to minimize hair growth and groom their bodies. In fact, reports that during the Roman Empire having pubic hair was considered uncivilized for the higher classes. Whether you are removing the hair down there for hygienic, cosmetic, religious or sexual reasons, you can shape and trim the bikini line quickly. Since the hairs in the pelvic area typically have a natural curl, you need to remove this hair carefully to avoid ingrown hairs.

Step 1
Cut the pubic hair as short as possible with manicure scissors, suggests Trimming your pubic hair helps to minimize any pain from shaving.
Step 2
Wet the area with a warm washcloth, or soak first in the bathtub for at least three minutes. Dampening the pubic region helps you to prevent irritated skin and avoid pimples or breakouts after shaving.
Step 3
Apply unscented shaving gel or cream to the hair. Massage the product into your pubes until a foamy lather appears. To minimize skin irritation, do not get shaving cream into the vaginal or anal areas.
Step 4
Hold the skin tight with one hand and hold the razor blade in the opposite hand. If you suffer from ingrown hairs or have sensitive skin, shave in the direction of hair growth. Otherwise, move the blade upward to remove your hair. Rinse the razor blade often, because the loose hair may clog the blades. Do not attempt to shave an area two or more times without first applying additional shaving gel or cream.
Step 5
Rinse the area with cool water. Apply an antiseptic or aloe vera gel to prevent inflammation or infections from occurring. Throw out the used razor blade - a new blade is required each time you shave the bikini area.
Step 6
Monitor for any ingrown hairs. Do not pick at the bump if an ingrown hair occurs. Most do not require treatment and will heal on their own.
Things You'll Need
Manicure scissors
Unscented shaving gel or cream
Razor blade
Antiseptic or aloe vera
Shaved public hair often grows back as stubble that often itches in just a few days. Choose more professional methods of hair removal for longer-term affects including electrolysis or waxing.
Symptoms of an infected ingrown hair include a bright red bump, pus, inflammation and tenderness.