How to Get Rid of Oily Skin on the Face at Home

Keeping oily skin under control can be challenging, but it is possible to do it yourself at home. Oily skin, or seborrhea, is caused by overactive sebaceous glands, a condition that can be driven or exacerbated by hormones. Women with oily skin may see increased acne breakouts during their menstrual periods. Proper skin care is essential for minimizing the appearance of pimples, blackheads and large pores. Fortunately, keeping your skin clean and clear doesn't have to cost a lot of money or take a lot of time.

Step 1

Wash your face twice a day with a gentle, oil-free cleanser. Lather the cleanser in your hands, massage it onto your face with your fingertips and rinse it off by splashing your skin with warm water. If you have acne, look for a cleanser with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to help dry up blemishes.
Step 2

Tone your skin with astringent after washing your face. Medicated astringents can help clear breakouts. For a natural, inexpensive toner, try witch hazel or fresh-squeezed lemon juice. Apply toner with a soft cotton ball or use premoistened pads.
Step 3

Apply a mattifying gel or oil-control moisturizer. If you wear makeup, apply the gel before your foundation.
Step 4

Exfoliate once or twice a week to remove the dirt and dead skin cells that can clog your pores. Buy an exfoliating cleanser containing ground nut shells, fruit kernels or polymer-based microbeads, or make your own by mixing baking soda with water to form a paste. Washing your face with a washcloth is another way to exfoliate.
Step 5

Give yourself a clay facial mask once a week. Leave the mask on until it is completely dry, then rinse it off with warm water and pat your face dry with a clean, soft towel.
Things You'll Need
Facial cleanser
Mattifying gel or moisturizer
Clay mask
Avoid overdoing your cleansing regimen; if your skin gets too dry, your body will naturally compensate by producing more oil.