How to Get Rid of Your Deep Forehead Wrinkles

Deep forehead wrinkles are much like any other wrinkle on the face. As you grow older, your skin thins and loses its elasticity. Couple this with repeated facial expressions, and you begin to develop wrinkles and folds along your forehead and in other areas of the face. Relaxing the underlying muscles, filling in the folds and tightening the skin can all improve the appearance of your forehead, so talk to a dermatologist or plastic surgeon to determine which form of treatment is best for you and your skin.

Step 1

Lessen forehead wrinkles with botulinum toxin therapy injections, known by trade names such as Botox and Dysport. It prevents chemical signals from reaching the muscles that cause them to contract. As the underlying muscles relax, the wrinkles smooth out. Results normally last around three to four months.
Step 2

Eliminate deep forehead wrinkles with cosmetic fillers. Collagen is the most common filler used to reduce deep wrinkles, but your dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon may recommend other injectables such as hyaluronic acid, polytetrafluoroethylene or fat. Any of these fillers can add volume to wrinkles, thereby eliminating them. Injectable fillers can last three to six months, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.
Step 3

Smooth out deep wrinkles with a forehead lift. Excess skin is removed and tightened to eliminate wrinkles along the forehead and brow. Like other facelifts, a forehead lift can last up to 10 years, advises the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
The main danger with injectable fillers is an allergic reaction, but doctors test for any allergies prior to injections. You may also experience some swelling, bruising and redness.