How to Grow Hair Back After Shaving Your Head

Shaving abruptly and bluntly cuts off hair at the skin of the scalp or in close proximity to the scalp. Although the style appears clean cut and neat initially, it becomes frizzy and unstylish within a few weeks. Several things contribute to awkward hair growth after shaving your head. First, the ends of the hair are blunt and flat, which causes frizz. The short nature of the hair causes the hair to spring out straight from the head until the hair grows approximately 1 inch in length. Additionally, regrowth is all one length, giving the head a cotton swab appearance. However, successful and stylish regrowth is possible.

Step 1

Trim your neckline and above your ears each week with an ordinary electrical or battery-powered mustache trimmer. Hold the trimmer blade parallel to the floor and press the blade into the very bottom of the hairline, creating an even hairline. Lightly pull the trimmer down the length of the neck to remove neck hair. Hold down your ear and sweep the trimmer around the natural hairline above the ear to remove straggly hair.
Step 2

Clipper the hair on the sides and back of your head with a number-two guard every other week for six weeks. Attach the number-two blade to the clippers and place it at the bottom of the hairline. Slide the clippers up the head, pulling out slightly at the curve of the head to blend the shorter hairs with the longer hairs on top of the head.
Step 3

Trim the very ends off the hair on top of the head with scissors to remove the blunt edges as soon as the hair is long enough to comb and grasp. Section off 1/2- by 2-inch sections, and comb the hair straight out from the head. Clip off the very ends of the hair, and repeat until you have trimmed all hair.
Step 4

Repeat steps one and two until the hair is long enough on top to style. Allow the hair to grow out evenly, trimming every six to eight weeks.
Things You'll Need
Mustache trimmers
Clippers with attachments
If you do not feel comfortable performing these steps yourself, visit your stylist or barber every two weeks during the growing out process.
Use gels and styling pastes to add texture, control and style to your hair while you are growing it out. If your hair wants to spike, go with it. Add a little bit of dry styling paste to make your hair appear rugged and mussed instead of electrified.
It takes approximately six to eight weeks to grow enough hair for a fade or basic man's haircut after you shave your head. If you wish to grow your hair out longer, it will take an additional month for each 1/2 inch of growth.