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    Moda, stile e cura personale - Pagina 265

    Impacchi corpo fatti in casa per perdere peso
    Se vuoi perdere peso velocemente, potresti aver sentito parlare del trend degli impacchi per il corpo dimagrante. Durante una visita al salone, un tecnico applica delle coperture in tessuto al...
    Homemade Blackhead Cleanser
    Blackheads are a form of acne caused by buildup in pores. Normally, pores secrete sebum to moisturize and protect your skin, but a combination of excessive sebum production with accumulation...
    Trattamento domiciliare per urti dopo la ceretta
    Ceretta rimuove i capelli alla radice, lasciandoli con la pelle liscia per circa tre o sei settimane. Sfortunatamente, non tutti passano il processo di ceretta senza intoppi. Se sei uno...
    Home Tips for Body Toning Oil
    Body toning oil may reduce the appearance of cellulite and sagging areas of skin on the face and body. Several manufacturers have firming oils and treatments on the market and...
    Rimedio domestico per rimuovere lo scolorimento dall'acqua bene dai capelli biondi
    L'acqua del pozzo contiene spesso alti livelli di ferro e altri minerali. I capelli assorbono questi contaminanti come una spugna, causando scolorimento, capelli secchi e fragili e un odore metallico....
    Home Remedy to Draw Out a Hair Splinter
    Hair splinters are annoying and painful. These splinters appear when a sliver of hair lodges itself under your skin and torments you until gone. Most splinters can be removed safely...
    Home Remedy of Citric Acid & Baking Soda to Kill Toenail Fungus
    Toenail fungus is a stubborn health condition that causes malformation and discoloration of toenails. In addition, toenail fungus may increase the occurrence of athlete's foot or infection to the nail...
    Home Remedy for Sweating Feet
    If sweaty feet make you reluctant to remove your shoes in front of other people, it may be time to find a way to control the problem. While it's not...