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    How to Clean the Inside of a Steam Iron

    Because hard water is prevalent in some areas, hard water build-up is inevitable in your steam iron if you habitually use tap water. These hard water deposits accumulate and can clog your iron, making it work less effectively. Clean out these deposits to extend the life of your iron. With a few materials you may already have around the home, you can bring your steam iron quickly and easily back up to par.

    Couple ironing their clothes. (Image: Creatas/Creatas/Getty Images)

    Step 1

    Use a toothpick or cotton swab to clean the outside of the water chamber to remove any caked-on debris from mineral deposit. Wipe the area with a soft, clean cloth.

    Step 2

    Fill the chamber with equal parts of white vinegar and distilled water.

    Step 3

    Plug the iron in and turn it on. Put it on a steam setting.

    Step 4

    Allow the iron to heat up and steam the solution out for at least four minutes to help loosen any mineral deposits inside the iron. Wait for all of the solution to evaporate from the chamber.

    Step 5

    Repeat the process with distilled water.

    Step 6

    Unplug the iron and allow the chamber to drain and dry by placing it upside down in the sink or bathtub for at least an hour.

    Things You'll Need

    • Toothpick or cotton swab

    • Clean cloth

    • White vinegar

    • Distilled water


    Be careful when handling the hot iron. To avoid burns, wear oven mitts.