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    Kamagra Side Effects

    Kamagra is a medication commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction and high blood pressure. It contains the active ingredient sildenadil citrate, similar to other medications such as Viagra and Cialis. Kamagra is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration and is only marketed outside the United States. Its safety may depend on the country and laboratory that manufactured it, and customers should not assume the same pharmeceutical standards as the United States. Considering that most doses of Kamagra are free of adulterants, sildenafil still carries side effects that can range from mild to severe depending on the pre-existing health of the patient.

    A man is experiencing a headache. (Image: Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Wavebreak Media/Getty Images)


    The most common side effect of sildenafil, found in Kamagra, is headache. Pfizer, the company that first created sildenafil, reports that headache occurs in around 16 percent of patients. Sildenafil significantly affects blood circulation, increased body temperature and dehydration. All of these factors can lead to headaches that last the duration of the medication. In the January 2003 issue of "Brain," Dr. Christina Kruuse and associates found that sildenafil had a significantly higher rate of inducing migraine and headache compared to placebo. They state in their report that sildenafil headaches and migraines are not caused by changes in vascular pressure, but by sensitization and hyperexitability of perivascular sensory nerve terminals. In other words, Kamagra causes a low pain threshold to otherwise normal activity exchanges in the brain.


    Flushing, also known as vasocongestion, is another side effect of Kamagra, occurring around 10 percent of the time. It is generally characterized as the change in body temperature and color due to increases in blood flow to specific areas of the body. In men, it occurs in the genitals, waist, chest and face. In women, it occurs in the breasts, genitals, waist and face. It happens often during sexual stimulation and Kamagra can intensify its effects. It often subsides after a completed orgasm, unless larger doses of the medication have been taken. Drugs.com states that in addition to flushing, patients may feel dizzy. Sildenafil has vasostatic properties, where more blood is flowing into areas than out. This can cause an imbalance of blood pressure throughout the body.

    Digestive Problems

    Kamagra may also cause digestive problems such as indigestion and diarrhea. The effects on the gastrointestinal system are dose dependent, and higher doses are not recommended for patients with pre-existing digestive complications. In the October 2004 issue of "Digestive Diseases and Science," Dr. Mauro Rosalmeida and associates reported that sildenafil significantly delays gastric emptying and gastrointestinal transit. Kamagra relaxes the smooth muscle tissue in the digestive tract through the mediation of nitric oxide. Patients taking Kamagra may offset these digestive complications by drinking more water and refraining from greasy foods. Alcohol may especially intensify the digestive problems that occur from Kamagra.

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