How to Increase a Woman's Libido

A healthy libido is important to the emotional well-being of a woman and her adult relationships. Most women suffer from a low libido at many different points of their lives. Some women don't mind having a low libido. A low libido is not a medical problem and therefore needs to be remedied only if it is a problem for the woman and her partner. However, a medical problem can cause a lowered sex drive, so it is wise to determine the cause of a low or non-existent libido.

Step 1
Pinpoint the problem. There are countless reasons why a woman may have a low libido. Women experience a flow of varying levels of hormones that can dramatically change the libido over the course of a month. Libido-controlling hormones can also change because of pregnancy or childbirth and age (especially for menopausal women). Stress, emotional issues, weight change or medications can also drop libido. If your libido lowers for several days and then returns to normal, it is probably just a temporary change in hormones or stress. If you have been suffering from a low libido for several weeks or longer, you will have to make some changes to restore your libido.
Step 2
Evaluate your lifestyle. An unhealthy lifestyle can cause hormonal issues and bring on excess stress or depression. You also may just be too tired to think about sex. Make sure you get about 8 hours of sleep each night, eat a balanced diet, drink adequate water (aim for 7 to 8 cups each day) and exercise regularly. Avoid drugs and heavy alcohol consumption, which can hinder libido.
Step 3
Nurture your relationships and emotional well-being. If you are not happy or fulfilled with your marriage, partner or love life, it can have a negative effect on your libido. Some women need an emotional connection with their partner to feel aroused. Work on problems within your relationship and find ways to make yourself feel sexy. Problems with stress or distress related to work or other relationships can also lower libido. Work through these issues to revive your libido.
Step 4
Talk to your doctor about any medications you are taking. Certain medications, particularly birth-control pills, interfere with normal hormones. If a common side effect of the medication is a lowered sex drive, you may need to discontinue the medication or find an alternative.
Step 5
Consider using progesterone cream. When the sex hormone progesterone (the counter-hormone of estrogen) levels are too low, a decrease in libido can result. Progesterone cream can be applied topically on the genitals to increase libido.
Step 6
Get blood work done to determine testosterone levels. If testosterone (a hormone that triggers sexual desire) levels are too low, you might feel a lack of sexual desire. A doctor can prescribe the appropriate amount to get your libido on track. Testosterone treatment is administered by an injection of testosterone or a patch of hormones worn and absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream.
Testosterone treatment has many side effects. It can cause unwanted hair growth, weight gain and skin problems, such as acne.