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    The Definition of Parent Involvement

    Parental involvement refers to the amount of participation a parent has when it comes to schooling and her child's life. Some schools foster healthy parental involvement through events and volunteer opportunities, but sometimes it's up to the parents to involve themselves with their children's education. You can ensure that your child receives the benefits from parental involvements by staying up to date on what is happening in the classroom, helping your child with school opportunities and knowing correct safety procedure for the school.

    Parents can contribute to success in the classroom. (Image: Catherine Yeulet/iStock/Getty Images)


    Parents can foster a positive social experience for their children by knowing what activities their children are involved in. If your child plays football, perhaps you could join the coaching staff or volunteer as a driver for the school. If he participates in student council, offer your services as a decorator or donate to the cause. You can also stay on top of his social life by inviting friends to play at your home. Get to know your child's peers and evaluate if they are appropriate choices for him


    The Michigan State Government notes that parental involvement is one of the most important deciding factors in a child's education and suggests the the earlier a parent can intercede with his child's education, the more successful his child will ultimately be. Helping your child with homework is just the beginning. Taking her to a museum on the weekends, completing science projects together and staying on top of her grades and progress will keep you aware and supportive of your child's education.


    By understanding why your child is being disciplined at school, as well as knowing what he can do to rectify the situation, will keep you involved in the disciplinary process with the school, says the National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education. Don't leave it simply up to teachers and school administrators to enforce discipline.


    According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2010 roughly 828,000 violent incidents were reported among 12- to 18-year-old students. Parents can volunteer their services to help keep the school safe for everyone involved. Parents should not only know the safety risks from other students, but should also know the warning signs of violence within their own children. Volunteering for supervision services and understanding the school emergency plan can keep your school safe.

    School Involvement

    Schools need to facilitate parental involvement by offering opportunities to the parents. The NCPIE recommends that school administrators greet parents warmly, sending notices home when volunteer opportunities are available and giving suggestions for extra credit work and family activities that coincide with units of study.