Active Assisted Range of Motion Exercises
Assisted range of motion exercise refers to a therapist or doctor manually helping a patient move a particular body part along a joint. The patient exerts a small amount of effort during this movement. These exercises help promote the overall health of a joint, according to This type of therapeutic exercise is beneficial for the treatment of many joint injuries, and is best completed under the supervision of a medical professional or physical therapist.
One example of an active assisted range of motion exercise involves moving your chin to your chest under the supervision of a therapist. From a relaxed starting position, either standing or seated, keep your shoulders straight and relaxed prior to movement. Next, a therapist or caregiver will support your head in her hands and gently guide your head to turn towards the side of your body. During this movement, it is important to note that you will be actively using your neck muscles to complete the turn; the therapist's role is to merely guide the proper path of the turn. This movement will be completed to both sides of your body for best results.
Shoulder Flexion
Another exercise that can be completed with the assistance of a therapist is shoulder flexion. From a seated or standing position, your caregiver will guide your arm while you lift it towards the ceiling in a smooth, controlled motion. This position will be held at the top for 5 seconds before you will slowly lower your limb back to the starting position. During this exercise, be sure to assist your therapist by actively attempting to raise your arm and not allow the caregiver to do all of the work. Repeat this exercise as often as needed while focusing on comfort level and pain tolerance, according to
Knees describes another active assisted range of motion exercise that involves your knee joint, one that you can do at home. While lying on a flat surface on your back, a helper supports your affected or injured leg under your knee and helps you lift the limb to a 90-degree flexion. From this position, you and your helper should slowly flex your hip muscle, bringing the knee closer to your chest. Hold this position for 5 seconds before slowly releasing the hold with the help of your assistant back to a straight-leg starting position.