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    Tips on Running 1.5 Miles in Ten Minutes

    Running 1.5 miles in 10 minutes is no easy feat. To do it, you'll have to maintain a pace of 6:60. Depending on your current level of fitness, you may have a little or a long way to go to reach this goal.

    Run like the wind. (Image: Eyecandy Images/Eyecandy Images/Getty Images)

    Regardless, you'll need to ramp up your training, varying your workouts each week to include longer runs and short speed workouts balanced with proper recovery.

    Tip #1: Dial in Your Technique

    Even experienced runners need to adjust their technique at times. Poor technique can slow you down and lead to imbalances and injuries. Make sure you're landing gently on your mid- to forefoot, lean slightly forward at the ankles and maintain good posture with a relaxed jaw, neck and shoulders. Keep your elbows bent at 90 degrees or slightly more, and lightly swing your arms forward and back (not across the body) in time with the opposite leg.

    Tip #2: Build Endurance With Long Runs

    Even though your goal is to run a short distance quickly, it helps you to run longer distances more slowly. If you can run 3 to 5 miles easily, you'll be able to kick up your speed on a 1.5-mile run.

    Start with one longer run per week of 3 miles at a conversational pace -- meaning you could hold a conversation while running without gasping for air. Add on a half mile every other week until you can run 4 or 5 miles easily. Then, work on slowly increasing your pace until you're able to run the entire distance at a moderate intensity.

    Read more: 12 Running Mistakes You Could Be Making

    Do sprints once a week. (Image: FS-Stock/iStock/Getty Images)

    Tip #3: Interval Train

    If you want to run fast, you need to do speed work once every week. Choose a mostly flat running surface or run at a neutral incline on the treadmill to start. Warm up for 5 to 10 minutes at an easy jogging pace. Then, up your speed to a fast run or sprint for 2 minutes, or as long as you can sustain the pace. Recover at an easy jogging pace for as long as you sprinted. Repeat for a total of 6 rounds, then cool down for five to 10 minutes.

    Tip #4: Do Easy Runs

    Long runs and speed work put a lot of stress on the body. Running too much, too fast can break the body down and actually slow you down. Alternate long runs and speed work with shorter, easier runs for active recovery.

    Tip #5: Don't Skip Stretching

    You can't expect your muscles to get stronger and faster if you don't take care of them. Every workout, warm up at an easy pace for 5 minutes, then stop and do some dynamic stretches, such as leg swings and butt kicks, to prime your muscles for action.

    After every run, do longer held stretches for your calves, hamstrings, quadriceps and glutes.

    Tip #6: Work on Core Strength

    Your core includes your abs, obliques and lower back muscles. It's the center of your body and where a lot of your power comes from. Having a strong core not only can help you get faster, but also protect you from injuries. Several days a week do core exercises such as planks, supermans, Russian twists and V-ups.

    Tip #7: Take Rest Days

    More is not better when you're training for speed. Take two days off from running each week. On one day, either rest or crosstrain with rowing, cycling, yoga or swimming. On the other day, do nothing at all.

    Read more: 17 Reasons to Start Running