How to Lose Weight in a Sedentary Lifestyle
Weight loss is a difficult process, especially if you are used to a sedentary lifestyle that doesn't typically include much exercise. However, being overweight increases your risk of developing dangerous health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease and stroke. You don't have to run daily marathons to lose weight; There are a variety of ways to shed unwanted pounds even with a sedentary lifestyle.
A senior man sitting and drinking a glass of water on his bed. (Image: Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Wavebreak Media/Getty Images)Step 1
Eat about five smaller meals or snacks throughout the day instead of three larger meals. This can keep your insulin levels steady, helping you to stay full through the entire day. In addition, you are less likely to overeat at your next meal or snack.
Step 2
Drink only water. According to the Reader's Digest, the average person drinks about 245 liquid calories every day. This means drinking only water can help you to lose up to 25 pounds a year, even without adjusting your exercise habits.
Step 3
Decrease your portion sizes, especially when you are eating out where portions are typically large. When at home, eat off of a smaller 7-inch plate to control portion sizes. When at a restaurant, immediately divide your food in half and take the other half home.
Step 4
Clip a pedometer on your belt and try to take at least 10,000 steps every day. Add extra steps to your day by parking far away from the entrance to a store or workplace. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, or walk the dog after dinner.
Step 5
Participate in a physical activity that you enjoy such as bicycling or dancing. You don't have to do excessive amounts of exercise to lose weight -- two to four hours of physical activity every week can help you shed up to five pounds per year.
Things You'll Need
7-inch dinner plate
Notebook and pen
Keep a food diary to help monitor your caloric intake. According to the USA Today website, a person who keeps track of food intake can lose two times as much weight as someone who fails to do so. Find a way to motivate yourself to lose weight. For example, hang a pair of jeans that you used to fit into by the refrigerator so you will see them before consuming an extra snack.
The Diet Channel warns that eating too quickly can encourage weight gain. This is because it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to start sending out fullness signals. Eat slowly and enjoy the taste and smell of food so that you can recognize fullness and feel more satisfied.