The Best Foods for Healing Broken Bones

Many people break a bone at one time in their lives, whether as a child on the playground, as an adult in an accident or in old age from falling down. Broken bones are painful and frustrating because they take a long time to heal. According to the Nemours Foundation, the body naturally heals a broken bone on its own. Wearing a cast helps to keep the bone in place while it heals. Certain foods can help speed the healing process.

Broccoli is one of the best foods to eat for healing a broken bone because it is rich in vitamin K. According to the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, vitamin K binds with other minerals to help to form bone mass. Vitamin K can speed the healing of a broken bone because it is involved in the process of bone mineralization. The Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University states that a cup of broccoli has about 220 mcg of vitamin K.
Dr. Susan Brown from the Center for Better Bones states that amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein, and the mineral calcium can both help to heal broken bones. She states that amino acids found in yogurt, such as lysine and glutamine, increase the absorption of calcium, which enhances bone mass. Additionally, the dietary calcium found in yogurt is essential for healing bones because bones are made up mostly of calcium and phosphorous.
Eating oranges can have several benefits to those with broken bones. According to the Center for Better Bones, oranges are rich in vitamin C, which acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, reducing pain while encouraging the growth of new bone mass. Vitamin C can also boost the function of the immune system so that healing comes faster, according to the Center for Better Bones.
Milk is a good source of protein, which boosts the immune system and triggers the body to heal itself, according to the Center for Better Bones. In addition to having calcium, milk has other vitamins that are needed for repairing broken bones. The Nemours Foundation states that vitamin D in milk helps to feed bones by increasing the amount of calcium they can absorb.