How to Get Rid of Acne in 12 Hours

MedlinePlus, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health, says acne can be caused by internal and external factors such as a woman's menstrual cycle and excess stress. Acne can also be a product of elevated perspiration and oily cosmetic products. Pimples come to the surface of your skin when your pores are plugged by excess oil, bacteria or dry skin particles. It may not be possible to alleviate all of your acne in 12 hours; however, there are treatments you can use that target the root of your acne and will make a dramatic difference in 12 hours.

Step 1
Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water will help prevent further breakouts by flushing out bacteria and toxins. Water cleanses your skin from within and helps maintain moisture by hydration. When your skin is moisturized, it prevents dry skin particles from clogging your pores.
Step 2
Wash your face with a mild soap. MedlinePlus recommends using a nondrying soap and removing all dirt and makeup when treating acne.
Step 3
Apply ice to infected areas. Ice will inhibit the further growth of a pimple and alleviate the inflammation and pain associated with pimples.
Step 4
Mix an even proportion of milk, cinnamon and honey together until they form a semi-thick paste. The Organic Facts website states, "both honey and milk posses antimicrobial and cleansing properties. These properties are enhanced when the two are taken together."
Step 5
Rub the honey, milk and cinnamon paste onto your face and let dry for approximately 20 minutes. Leave this mask on for about four hours, so choose a day off from work when you use this treatment. You can also follow the first steps before bed and leave the paste on overnight for optimal results. Organic Facts states that your skin will be cleansed from the milk and honey and have an extra glow. Milk and honey is used in spas throughout the world and can be used on any area of your body that suffers from acne.
Step 6
Rinse the mask off with lukewarm water. Follow with a nonoily, fragrance-free moisturizer.
Things You'll Need
Repeat these steps if you do not get the results you want in 12 hours. Ask your doctor what your skin type is for optimal acne treatment.
Do not pick or puncture your pimples. This will make treatment time longer and cause permanent scarring.