How to Get Rid of Acne in a Month

If you want to clear up your acne within a month, you are going to have to stick to a strict skin care regimen. During that month, you need to reduce the amount of oil on your skin while using products that promote peeling and kill acne-causing bacteria. Although mild to moderate acne can be treated at home, consult your doctor if you have severe acne. He may recommend prescription treatment products, such as retinoid creams or oral antibiotics.

Step 1
Wash the skin twice a day with a mild cleanser. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends treating acne by washing the skin two times daily with a mild cleanser and rinsing with cool water. Gently cleanse the skin using your fingertips and do not scrub the affected area. Clean the skin in the morning and at night. You should also wash the skin after sweating.
Step 2
Wait 15 minutes after washing the skin to apply a topical acne treatment product. Apply to the face a lotion or gel that contains a five percent concentration of benzoyl peroxide. Use the benzoyl peroxide once a day for the first week. After the first week, apply twice a day. Put the benzoyl peroxide on all areas of acne prone skin, not only on spots with active breakouts.
Step 3
Use only oil-free makeup and skin care products on the face. Labels must say oil free or non-comedogenic to ensure that your skin stays clear. Continue to use these products even after your skin clears.
Step 4
Keep hair clean. Wash your hair daily to control the amount of oil on it. Oil can be transferred between the hair and skin and worsen breakouts.
Things You'll Need
Mild face wash
5 percent benzoyl peroxide
If your acne is not clear within four weeks, the Palo Alto Medical Foundation recommends increasing benzoyl peroxide topical dosage to a ten percent concentration.
Don't squeeze or pop pimples to get rid of breakouts quickly. You may spread bacteria to other areas of the skin and also increase your risk of scarring.