How to Heal Swollen Pimples

Swollen pimples can be painful. Once a swollen pimple emerges from your skin, take a few steps to treat the breakout quickly to reduce the size and inflammation. Use soothing topical applications as part of your treatment. Whether you choose natural home remedies or over-the-counter methods, finding the right topical solution can help you recover quickly. If you suffer from severe acne, consider seeing a dermatologist to discuss prescription treatments.

Step 1
Reduce a pimple's redness and swelling quickly by holding an ice cube against the breakout. Apply ice as needed to help get rid of the pain caused by large acne irritations.
Step 2
Wash your face twice daily with a gentle cleanser made with salicylic acid to remove dirt and bacteria that could irritate existing breakouts and create new ones.
Step 3
Apply a spot treatment made with benzoyl peroxide to treat swollen pimples. Start with a 5-percent benzoyl oxide cream and apply the cream to your pimple once a day. Increase the application to twice a day if you don't see results after a week. Consider moving up to a 10-percent solution if your pimple is still large and swollen after a month.
Step 4
See a dermatologist and ask for a prescription-strength topical cream to target swollen pimples. Ask about cortisone injections for large pimples that do not respond to topical treatments.
Step 5
Avoid irritating acne outbreaks by staying out of the sun. Stay away from oil-based cosmetics or sunscreens to prevent further clogging your pores, which can lead to more swollen pimples.
Do not pick or squeeze swollen pimples. Doing so can lead to scarring.