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    Benefits of Seven Seas Fish Oil Tablets

    Fish oil tablets are extolled for their health benefits because they contain the essential building block Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have been widely discussed as beneficial to many aspects of health. Many companies produce fish oil tablets, and Seven Seas is a one of them, a brand marketed out of the United Kingdom. It promotes the benefits of its fish oil tablets as other companies do, based on the researched health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids. However, there are no official or proven health recommendations for the use of fish oil tablets and doctor supervision is advised.

    Seven Seas is just one of many brands of fish oil tablets (Image: obewon/iStock/Getty Images)

    Maintain Heart Health

    The American Heart Association recommends a daily dose of fish for Omega-3 fatty acid consumption, and cautiously recommends the use of fish oil supplements only if approved and supervised by a doctor. This recommendation is based on several randomized studies that have found that fish oil/Omega-3 consumption may reduce the risk of heart attacks, according to the Mayo Clinic. Additionally, the Mayo Clinic cites multiple human trials that have found that fish oil/omega-3 supplements may help increase levels of good cholesterol, HDL, and lower blood pressure, all which lead to better overall heart health.

    Arthritis Pain Reduction

    Waking up with stiff and immobile joints is no easy matter when trying to perform your activities of daily living, but fish oil/omega-3 supplements have provided relief for some arthritis sufferers. According to the Arthritis Foundation, several studies show a positive effect on arthritis symptoms with the use of fish oil supplements, though more studies are needed to confirm this. Fish oil seems to help rheumatoid arthritis because it acts similarly to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Some studies have found taking fish oil supplements in addition to aspirin or ibuprofen has an additive effect on reducing arthritis symptoms, according to the Mayo Clinic.

    Menstrual Pain Relief

    Among the many discussed health benefits of fish oil/omega-3 fatty acids, pain relief is another area of growing interest and research. Painful menstruation cycles, called dysmenorrhea, cause grief and discomfort for many women. The Mayo Clinic states that some early research studies have found some relief from painful periods with the intake of fish oil, but more studies are needed to confirm this claim. Seven Seas lists this as one of the key benefits of their 'Pulse Pure Fish Oil' brand, but caution should be taken with this or any brand of fish oil, and doctor supervision is advised.