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    Can Eating Too Much Protein Affect Your Kidneys?

    While no major studies link high protein intake to kidney disease in healthy people, excess protein does force your kidneys to work harder and can cause problems for people with existing medical conditions. Kidney disease aside, the healthiest diet is a varied one that contains a balance of nutrients. Women only need about 46 grams of protein per day, while men need about 56 grams -- but most Americans consume more, notes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    Group of men grilling chicken on the grill. (Image: ShotShare/iStock/Getty Images)

    Protein and Kidneys

    Dietary protein contains nitrogen products, which the kidneys must expel. Eating too much protein can overwork these organs, contributing to existing disease. In a study of women published in the "Annals of Internal Medicine" in 2003, participants with mild kidney impairment saw increased damage with high protein intake, particularly after eating meat. Those with full kidney function, however, did not show signs of disease even with high protein consumption. According to the UCLA Student Nutrition and Body Image Awareness Campaign, excess protein may be especially risky for people with diabetes.