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    Which Foods are Rich in CoQ10?

    Coenzyme Q-10 helps produce energy and neutralizes harmful free radicals. When you have enough coenzyme Q-10 in your system, the fat-soluble nutrient can help protect all cells, reducing your overall risk of developing chronic diseases. Your body synthesizes some coenzyme Q-10 on its own, but you can get some from your diet as well.

    Fatty Fish

    Fresh herring on a salad plate with an onion slice and fresh herbs. (Image: HandmadePictures/iStock/Getty Images)

    Because coenzyme Q-10 is fat soluble, requiring fat for absorption and storage, generally the more fat in the fish you prefer, the more coenzyme Q-10 you'll get. Opt for fatty cold-water fish like salmon, tuna and herring. Three ounces of cooked herring, for example, has 2.3 milligrams. A less fatty variety, such as rainbow trout, has closer to 0.9 milligram of coenzyme Q-10, from a 3-ounce steamed serving.

    Beef and Poultry

    Steaks on a cutting board with rosemary, garlic, and chiles. (Image: A_Lein/iStock/Getty Images)

    Beef and chicken are some of the richest sources of coenzyme Q-10. A 3-ounce cooked serving of beef, which is roughly the size of a deck of cards, contains approximately 2.6 milligrams of the nutrient. A similarly sized portion of chicken has about half that amount -- roughly 1.4 milligrams of coenzyme Q-10. You'll even get a small amount of coenzyme Q-10 from an egg. A medium hardboiled egg offers 0.1 milligram.

    Nuts, Seeds and Oils

    A bowl of peanuts on a marble countertop. (Image: Zoonar RF/Zoonar/Getty Images)

    Not all coenzyme Q-10 sources are animal based. Peanuts are one of the heartiest plant sources of the substance. An ounce of roasted peanuts has 0.8 milligrams. Sesame seeds aren't too far behind, providing 0.7 milligram from 1 ounce. If pistachio nuts are your go-to snack, you'll get 0.6 milligrams of coenzyme Q-10 per ounce. You can get as much as 1.3 milligrams of coenzyme Q-10 from 1 tablespoon of soybean oil, or around 1 milligram from a tablespoon of canola oil.

    Fruits and Vegetables

    Fresh strawberries in a colander on a picnic table. (Image: tanyasharkeyphotography/iStock/Getty Images)

    Some of your favorite fruits and vegetables add a bit more coenzyme Q-10 to your diet. A medium-size orange contains 0.3 milligram of the nutrient, while 1 cup of raw strawberries can provide as much as 0.2 milligram. Broccoli and cauliflower further up your coenzyme Q-10 intake. One-half cup of steamed broccoli gives you 0.5 milligram of coenzyme Q-10, while the same amount of cooked cauliflower provides 0.4 milligram.

    Supplemental Information

    Soft gel supplement capsules on a wood table. (Image: Hunterann/iStock/Getty Images)

    Taking a coenzyme Q-10 supplement can further boost the amount of the nutrient you get in your diet, although if you follow a balanced diet, you probably don't need it. The recommendation for adults is 30 to 200 milligrams daily, depending on why you're taking it, reports the University of Maryland Medical Center. Typically your system easily absorbs supplements that are in the soft-gel form, rather than dried capsules. No matter which formulary you prefer, take your supplement with some kind of food containing fat, to help your system absorb and store the nutrient. To be on the safe side, check with your health care provider before starting a supplement.