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    Exercise After Tubal Ligation

    Tubal ligation is a medical procedure where the fallopian tubes are cut or closed as a method of preventing pregnancy. By cutting - or "tying" - these tubes, your eggs are prevented from moving out into the uterus and fertilized. As with any surgery, there are certain restrictions recommended until you make a full recovery, especially when it comes to exercise.


    After tubal ligation, you should avoid any strenuous exercise for several days. Strenuous or vigorous exercise is loosely defined as any activity that raises your heart rate near its maximum. Your maximum heart rate is 220 beats per minute minus your age. Almost any activity can become strenuous as you increase its intensity or duration, so abstain from running, swimming or even biking until you fully recover. Your doctor can best determine when you can return to your normal exercise routine.


    The time off from vigorous exercise extends even further when it comes to strength-training activities. According to the National Institutes of Health, you shouldn't lift anything heavy for at least three weeks. Stay off free weights and weight machines for this time. Better yet, wait until your doctor gives you the okay.


    One of the main reasons most medical professionals recommend these restrictions is to avoid straining the incision site. Even if the procedure is laparoscopic, which means your surgeon makes only a small incision in your abdomen to cut or close the fallopian tubes with the aid of a telescopic lens, you can damage or reopen the area where the laparoscope was inserted into your abdomen. Also, it isn't uncommon to experience abdominal pain, abdominal cramping, fatigue, dizziness and other discomforts that can often make it difficult to exercise.


    Contact your doctor immediately if you have a temperature of 101 degrees F or greater, warns Mayo Clinic. Do the same if you faint or experience bleeding or abdominal pain that recurs or worsens after 12 hours.