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    Can Jogging Give You Thinner Thighs?

    Thigh fat occurs when your body consumes too many calories. As a result, fat storage occurs all over your body, including the thighs. While spot reduction doesn't work, you can work on firming your whole body and getting thinner thighs with cardio activity and thigh-toning sessions. Vigorous activities, like jogging, help you firm and slim your thighs.

    Couple jogging on beach (Image: Purestock/Purestock/Getty Images)

    Calorie Burning of Jogging

    Jogging is a vigorous activity. You'll burn fat quicker with this activity. The amount of calories you burn, however, depends on your body weight. Typically, the more you weigh the more calories you burn. For example, a 160-pound person burns 581 calories an hour jogging at 5 mph. A person who weighs 200 pounds burns about 726 calories an hour, while if you weigh 240 pounds, you'll burn about 871 calories.

    Interval Training

    Firm your thighs quicker with an interval-training approach. With this approach, you alternate jogging with running to increase strength and reduce fat. For example, start out jogging for a few minutes. Then, alternate to running for a few minutes. Rotate between the two activities for at least 30 minutes. Over time, you'll be able to run for your entire workout session, which burns more calories and fat.

    Circuit Training

    Another option for achieving thinner thighs is circuit training. This workout approach alternates thigh-toning exercises with cardio activity to reduce your thighs. For example, start out with a thigh-toning exercise, such as leg squats. Then, alternate to jogging for a few minutes. Continue to rotate between a new thigh-toning exercise and jogging for at least 30 minutes.

    Thigh Toning

    If you use a circuit-training approach to reduce your thighs, you might wonder what toning exercises to use. Try the plie exercise, which tones your thighs. Start out with your feet spread a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Point your toes away from your body. Extend your arms in front of your body to shoulder height, and lower into a squat position. Stand back up and repeat the exercise eight to 12 times during your workout.

    Pick Up Squat

    Another exercise is the pick-up squat. Start out with your feet about hip-width apart. Hold hand weights. Lower into a squat position and set the weights in front of your body. Stand back up. Lower back into a squat position and pick up the weights. Continue to repeat this exercise for a minute.