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    Black Seed & Asthma

    Asthma inflames and constricts your bronchial tubes, which are essential tools in helping you breathe correctly. Symptoms include breathing difficulties, chest pain and wheezing, which vary in intensity depending on the severity of your asthma. Traditional medicines can help prevent and control asthma symptoms, and most are prescribed by a doctor. There are alternative treatments available to help relieve asthma symptoms, including black seed. Always consult with a doctor before starting an alternative treatment.

    Black seed may be an alternative to traditional asthma medicines like inhalers. (Image: YUCELOZBER/iStock/Getty Images)


    Black seed, also called black cumin, grows naturally in the Mediterranean, Middle East, Asia and North Africa. It is often broken down into an oil for consumption. According to Awareness Magazine, black seed was used medicinally by the ancient Egyptians for inflammatory conditions like asthma and bronchitis. In fact, the Healthier Life reports that Pharaoh Tutankhamun had a bottle of black seed oil entombed with him upon his death in 1325 B.C. Black seed continued its prevalence in other surrounding countries in the region.


    Black seeds contain phytonutrients, omega-6 fatty acids, phospholipids and antioxidants. Awareness Magazine reports that over 100 ingredients are contained in black seeds, which makes them an effective tool against various health ailments like asthma. Black seeds protect body cells, which in turn prevent chronic diseases and help you recover from illnesses.

    Purported Benefits

    Airway inflammation is one of the causes of asthma symptoms. Awareness Magazine explains that black seed has an anti-inflammatory effect on your body. Therefore, the primary benefit of black seed is to reduce inflammation. If you have allergic asthma, black seed is purported to help relieve sinus problems as well as associated skin conditions such as eczema.


    Black seed comes in capsules and oil, which can be purchased at a health foods store. Awareness Magazine reports that black seed oil is the form of black seed used to treat asthma symptoms. Capsules may be taken daily to help boost your immunity and to inhibit allergic asthma reactions, as reported by the Healthier Life. For asthma control, Awareness Magazine recommends mixing five parts olive oil with one part black seed oil. Once the oils are mixed together, you can rub the concoction onto your chest and back. You can also heat the two oils on the stove and inhale the subsequent vapors, which will help your bronchial tubes break up mucous.


    Black seed and black seed oil should not replace any type of prescribed medication, including long-term controllers and rapid-relief inhalers. Ask your doctor whether black seed is an effective treatment option for your asthma symptoms and whether it can cause drug interactions. Keep in mind that black seed is an alternative medicine, meaning that there is not enough scientific evidence to validate it as a mainstream medical treatment. Persistent asthma symptoms can be linked to allergies, which may require immunology, or allergy shots.

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