How to Sleep With Arthritis Pain in the Hip

There are many forms of arthritis, but the most common hip arthritis is ostereoarthritis, according to the University of Washington Department of Osteopaedics and Sports Medicine. Also called degenerative joint disease, this arthritic condition is characterized by a lack of articular cartilage in the hip. The pain associated with osteoarthritis makes it difficult to get a good night's sleep, especially if you tend to sleep on your side or roll over frequently at night. However, there are methods available for treating arthritis pain for more comfortable, relaxing rest.

Step 1
Avoid strenuous activity before you go to bed. The University of Washington explains that mild hip arthritis can be managed with rest. Excessive hip strain can aggravate your arthritis, so try to engage in physical activity early in the day, allowing for at least an hour of relaxation before bed.
Step 2
Apply ice to your hip for 10 minutes before laying down. Ice helps reduce swelling and pain for a more comfortable night's sleep.
Step 3
Eat foods containing ginger before bed, such as ginger snaps or ginger bread, or take a ginger supplement. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, ginger is a natural treatment for arthritis, specifically targeting painful arthritic inflammation.
Step 4
Take acetaminophen 30 minutes prior to sleep. According to the University of Minnesota, acetaminophen can help with mild arthritic pain. Several brands of over-the-counter acetaminophen pain relievers are also sold as “PM” or “nighttime” formulas. These specialized formulas combine acetaminophen medication with the diphenhydramine, a common ingredient in sleeping pills.
Step 5
Take a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug if you cannot sleep comfortably with over-the-counter treatments. Some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, are available without a prescription. However, you should still consult your doctor for a proper dosing regimen and long-term osteoarthritis treatment plan, because extensive use of NSAIDs can cause gastrointestinal bleeding, according to the University of Minnesota.
Things You'll Need
Ginger supplements
Ice pack
Acetaminophen medication
NSAID medication