Can Supplements Make You Grow Taller?

Your adult height is largely determined by your genetic makeup, but you can give your body a boost. That is, some environmental factors play a role in how much you grow and how tall you eventually become. Although illness or a lack of nutrition in your developmental years may stunt your growth, you can take supplements that may help your body grow taller. Be advised, however, that the intake of supplements can only boost growth when you are a child or an adolescent.

Vitamin A
The healthful development of bones depends in part on vitamin A, one of the essential supplements to help you grow taller. Some of the main sources of vitamin A are foods with a high retinol content, a form of vitamin A found in animal sources. Other foods rich in retinol include milk, fish and liver. Your body can also convert beta-carotene found in carrots, some fruits and green leafy vegetables into vitamin A.
Vitamin B Complex
Another supplement that may encourage your body to reach its full height potential is the vitamin B complex, a combination of eight B vitamins. Vitamin B complex is made up of vitamins such as folate and niacin. The combination of these vitamins plays an essential role in new cell development, the processing of nutrients, and the production of red blood cells, all of which are required for proper growth. If you don't wish to take a supplement, you can obtain vitamin B from your diet through bananas, nuts and some lean meats such as chicken, according to the website Medline Plus.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is another nutrient that you should obtain through your diet or through a supplement to help you grow taller. This vitamin fights off illness and boosts your immune system. Being in a generally good state of health is essential for growing taller. Vitamin C also helps to produce collagen and strengthen bones, making it play an even more integral role. Citrus fruits are the most common source of vitamin C.
Vitamin D
Include vitamin D in your supplement intake. Some foods are enriched with vitamin D; for instance, milk, fish oil, eggs and some cereals. You can also absorb vitamin D through sun exposure. Vitamin D is necessary to help the body absorb calcium, an essential component for bone growth and strength.