What Are the Benefits of a Scalp Massage?

Scalp massage helps you relax. You can give yourself a scalp massage, or have a friend or family member do it. Scalp massage can also be performed in spas, some hair salons or by massage therapists in private practice. Some people use oils, such as olive or coconut oil, when doing a scalp massage. It can also be done without oil for people who prefer not to get greasy or who have to go somewhere after the scalp massage.

Headache Relief
Scalp massage can help relieve tension headaches. When performing a scalp massage on someone with a tension headache, spend extra time on the base of the skull, near the hairline, because tension often accumulates in this area. It can also help to include a massage of the forehead and temples when massaging to relieve a tension headache. Scalp massage can also help relieve symptoms of migraine headaches in some individuals.
Increased Circulation to Scalp
Scalp massage helps improve circulation of blood to the head and face, according to the Hair Style Salon website. Increased circulation at the roots of hair can promote healthy hair growth. If oil is used for the scalp massage, it can also help get rid of dandruff. The use of oil on the scalp can also help prevent new dandruff from occurring.
Feeling of Well-Being
Scalp massage feels great and can help you feel more relaxed and content. If the face is included in the scalp massage, as is often the case, it can also help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, because the face is less pinched when relaxed.
Better Sleep
Those who suffer from insomnia can find relief from having a scalp massage, according to the How to Massage website. Many people sleep better when they have regular massage, with improvement in both falling asleep and staying asleep. Conversely, scalp massage can also help those with fatigue feel more energized.