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    Benefits of Green Tea With Ginseng

    Green tea and ginseng are among the world's most popular nutritional supplements. Since the two products offer a similar range of health benefits and low rate of side effects, several companies now offer teas and supplements containing both products. Consult your health care provider or a registered dietician before including green tea with ginseng in your daily diet or health regimen.

    Green tea and ginseng root on a table. (Image: View Stock/View Stock/Getty Images)

    Heart Health

    Both green tea and ginseng are associated with improved cardiovascular function. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, green tea can reduce both total and LDL cholesterol while increasing levels of HDL or "good" cholesterol. Additionally, the UMMC regards green tea as an effective method of preventing atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries.

    The National Institutes of Health grants ginseng a "B" rating, meaning that there is "good scientific evidence" for its use as a complementary treatment for certain forms of heart disease. However, green tea with ginseng can not replace the role of a healthy diet, exercise and smoke-free lifestyle. Always abide by your health care provider's recommendations for preventing and treating cardiovascular disease.

    Cancer Preventon

    Green tea with ginseng may help to reduce the risk of several common, deadly forms of cancer. The UMMC reports that polyphenols in green tea may prevent the formation of cancers affecting the breast, bladder, ovaries, colon, rectum, esophagus, lungs, stomah, skin and prostate. The UMMC also acknowledges ginseng's potent anticancer properties, noting that it may help to reduce the risk of lung, liver, pancreatic, ovarian and stomach cancers. Although this research is promising, it is also relatively inconclusive. The NIH reports that these findings are "controversial" and that more studies are needed to prove the anticancer properties associated with either individual plant.

    Blood Sugar Control

    Green tea and ginseng can both help to control fluctuations in blood glucose levels associated with diabetes and reactive hypoglycemia. According to the UMMC, green tea may help to delay the onset of type 1 diabetes and can help to regulate glucose levels in the bloodstream. The NIH reports that ginseng supplements effectively lower blood sugar levels before and after meals for people with type 2 diabetes and hyperglycemia. The NIH regards these results as "promising," noting that ginseng does not lower blood sugar to dangerous levels.

    Immune Support

    Green tea with ginseng may help stimulate the immune system, possibly preventing or treating a variety of infectious ailments. The NIH states that green tea can improve the body's response to vaccines and antibiotics. According to the UMMC, compounds in green tea can help to prevent symptoms of the common cold and influenza. Although no consensus exists regarding the use of green tea with ginseng in the prevention of bacterial or viral infections, preliminary evidence suggests that the products can offer effective immune support.