How Do I Cook Sea Cucumber?

Despite its name, the sea cucumber is actually a marine animal. You may find sea cucumber dishes in Chinese celebration meals, but not on the nightly dinner table, as the food takes a long time to prepare. When purchasing a fresh sea cucumber, look for one that is a shiny black color and has a smooth surface.

Step 1
Fill your cooking pot 3/4 full of water. Place the pot on the stove and bring water to a boil.
Step 2
Add the sea cucumber and five to 10 ginger slices to the boiling water.
Step 3
Boil cucumber until it expands to two or three times its original size. Boil until the cucumber is soft.
Step 4
Remove it from the water. Slice and add to your favorite stews, stir-frys or soups.
Things You'll Need
Cooking pot
Fresh sea cucumber
Ginger slices