How to Follow Dr. Ian's Phase 1 of the Fat Smash Diet
Dr. Ian Smith's Fat Smash diet leads followers through a four-phase weight-loss program. According to Smith, the plan helps dieters develop habits that contribute to a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. The first phase -- called the "Detox" phase -- lasts nine days and strictly limits the types of foods you can eat, as well as the portion sizes of some foods. American Dietetic Association spokeswoman Tara Gidus told "Health" magazine that she praises the Fat Smash diet for encouraging dieters to consume more produce and whole grains but worries many people won't be able to complete the diet's restrictive Phase 1.
You'll eat plenty of fruits and vegetables in Phase 1 of the Fat Smash diet. (Image: Veniamin Kraskov/Hemera/Getty Images)Step 1
Eliminate all types of fried or fast foods. (Image: Digital Vision./Digital Vision/Getty Images)Eliminate meat, poultry, seafood, cheese, nuts, all types of fried or fast foods, products that contain refined sugar and bread from your meals during the nine days of Phase 1. Avoid alcohol, regular soda and caffeine, including coffee and black tea.
Step 2
Arrange your schedule so that you eat a meal every three to four hours. (Image: Fuse/Fuse/Getty Images)Plan on having four to five meals each day. Arrange your schedule so that you eat a meal every three to four hours.
Step 3
Avoid avocados and red or white potatoes. (Image: Jupiterimages/ Images)Eat any amount and any type of fruits or vegetables at your meals as you want, with the exception of avocados and red or white potatoes. Consume the produce raw, lightly steamed or lightly grilled with up to 2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil per day.
Step 4
Add cooked beans and legumes for protein. (Image: Cat_Chat/iStock/Getty Images)Obtain your daily protein from your choice of low- or nonfat yogurt, milk and soy milk; cooked beans and legumes; up to four egg whites; tofu; or up to 2 tablespoons of sesame seed paste. Combine high-protein foods with 2 cups of cooked brown rice and 1 cup of cooked grits, farina, cream of wheat or oatmeal on each day of the detox phase.
Step 5
Drink water and 2 cups of herbal or green tea every day (Image: Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images)Drink water and 2 cups of herbal or green tea every day. Have 1 cup of freshly prepared vegetable or fruit juice daily.
Step 6
Limit your condiments to herbs and spices. (Image: Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images)Limit your condiments to herbs and spices, no more than two pickles a day and up to 3 tablespoons of low-fat dressing daily. Use 2 tablespoons a day of artificial sweetener, if desired.
Step 7
Snack on air-popped popcorn. (Image: Flying Colours Ltd/Digital Vision/Getty Images)Snack on air-popped popcorn, if you wish. Avoid using margarine or butter on the popcorn.
Step 8
Engage in 30 minutes of aerobic exercise for at least five of the nine detox phase days. (Image: Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images)Engage in 30 minutes of aerobic exercise for at least five of the nine detox phase days. Take a 20- to 25-minute walk after eating your evening meal.
Things You'll Need
Fruits, except avocados
Vegetables, except white and red potatoes
Extra virgin olive oil
Vegetarian protein, such as low- or nonfat yogurt, beans and tofu
Brown rice
Grains, such as oatmeal or farina
Herbal or green tea
Pickles, optional
Low-fat dressing, optional
Artificial sweetener, optional
Whole-kernel popcorn, optional
More specific information about the Fat Smash diet can be found in Smith's book, "The Fat Smash Diet: The Last Diet You'll Ever Need."
If you choose to follow the Fat Smash diet, consider joining a local or online group to help provide you with support and information during your weight-loss journey.
Talk to your doctor before beginning any weight-management program, particularly if you suffer from a chronic medical condition or are a woman who is pregnant or nursing.