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    Planet Smoothie Nutrition Information

    Planet Smoothie is a smoothie and juice chain that offers a variety of fruit and nutrient filled options. The goal of the chain is to offer consumers great tasting smoothies made from healthy ingredients and nutritious add-ins. At Planet Smoothie, you are able to upgrade your smoothie to include nutrient boosts that may increase your immunity and energy and help you burn fat. Knowing the nutrition information for each smoothie can help you make the best choice for you.

    A mother and her daughter are having smoothies and lunch together at the mall. (Image: Cathy Yeulet/Hemera/Getty Images)

    Weight Loss Smoothies

    The Weight Loss line of smoothies at Planet Smoothie claims to have ingredients that can help you lose weight. Each 16-oz. smoothie contains several servings of fruit and is low in calories if consumed as a meal rather than a beverage. The smoothies are quite high in sugar, but the majority of the sugar is natural from ingredients such as fresh fruit. The 2-Piece Bikini Smoothie is made with strawberries, bananas and nonfat milk and contains 290 calories and 51 g of sugar and provides calcium, potassium and vitamin C. The Leapin' Lizard is made with peaches and strawberries and weighs in at 290 calories and 49 g of sugar. The Leapin' Lizard smoothie is one of the best smoothies for vitamin C, with 250 percent of your daily needs in one serving. A fat burner boost claims to help suppress your appetite and can be added to any weight loss smoothie.

    Protein Smoothies

    The Protein line of smoothies includes ingredients that claim to improve your performance in exercise and athletics. These smoothies also have high sugar counts, mostly from the fresh fruit. The Big Bang is made with strawberries, bananas and vanilla and has 290 calories and 48 g of sugar as well as 5 g of fiber and 100 percent of your daily vitamin C requirements. The Mr. Mongo is a blend of strawberries, yogurt, nonfat milk and bananas and contains 360 calories and 54 g of sugar. The Mr. Mongo is one of the highest fiber smoothies with 10 g, and is also a significant source of potassium and vitamin C. You can add a protein boost to each of these smoothies to increase how many grams of protein each includes.

    Wellness Smoothies

    The Wellness smoothie line claims to boost your immunity and improve your mental health. The Acai smoothie is made with acai, apples, strawberries and bananas and contains 370 calories and 59 g of sugar and is a noteworthy source of fiber with 7 g per serving. The Screamsicle is a blend of pineapple, peaches, orange juice, yogurt and orange sherbet and has 290 calories and 39 g of sugar and is an notable source of calcium, and has more than two days worth of vitamin C. The Pink Promise Smoothie is in honor of the Susan G. Komen Foundation and is made with pomegranate juice, ruby red grapefruit juice, strawberries and yogurt for 210 calories and 40 g of sugar. It includes 5 g of fiber and is a good source of potassium and vitamin C. Adding a multivitamin or immunity boost can increase your overall consumption of vitamins and minerals.

    Energy Smoothies

    If you crave additional energy during the day, the Energy line of smoothies claims to improve your energy so you feel healthier throughout the day. The Spazz is made with strawberries, bananas, nonfat milk and vanilla for 270 calories and 49 g of sugar and includes 5 g of fiber and 100 percent of your vitamin C requirements for one day. The Road Runner is a combination of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and orange juice and contains 300 calories and 37 g of sugar as well as 6 g of fiber and plenty of calcium, potassium and vitamin C. A final option is the Grape Ape, made with grape juice and strawberries for 210 calories, 40 g of sugar and 110 percent of your vitamin C requirements. The energy boost may increase your energy level with its blend of essential nutrients.

    Cool Blended Smoothies

    The Cool Blended Smoothies are created for health conscious consumers who know the value of eating several servings of fruit each day. The Twig and Berries Smoothie is a combination of strawberries, bananas and yogurt and has 280 calories and 48 g of sugar and weighs in with 10 g of fiber and 15 percent of your daily calcium needs. The Last Mango is a blend of mango, peaches, bananas and orange sherbet for 340 calories and 59 g of sugar. The Last Mango has an impressive 600 percent of your daily potassium needs in one serving. The Shag-a-Delic is another fruit filled choice made with strawberries, blueberries, bananas, nonfat milk, yogurt and vanilla and contains 290 calories and 49 of sugar as well as 10 g of fiber and 90 percent of your daily vitamin C needs. Any nutrient boost can be added to the Cool Blended Smoothies.


    According to Daniella Chace, author of "More Smoothies for Life: Satisfy, Energize, and Heal Your Body," smoothies can be a healthy addition to your diet to help you consume more fruit and used to replace meals to help you lose weight. Natural sugars in smoothies are considered healthy because they come from nutritious foods, such as fresh fruit. Chace recommends using ingredients, such as yogurt, in low-sugar versions to help reduce your sugar intake and keep your smoothie healthy. Smoothies with ice cream or sherbet should be viewed as an occasional treat rather than a daily part of your diet.