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    Advantages & Disadvantages of the Birth Control Rhythm Method

    The rhythm method, also called the fertility awareness method, is a form of pregnancy prevention where couples calculate a woman's fertile time using a calendar and fertility signals, like cervical mucus and date of her last menstrual period.

    Advantage: No Prescription Required

    The rhythm method doesn't require a prescription because couples practice it at home, so it's a method couples always have access to.

    Disadvantage: Lifespan of Sperm

    Sperm live an average of three days in the body, but for some women, sperm can live in their bodies for up to seven days. This makes it difficult to plan when it's completely safe to have sex.

    Advantage: All Natural

    Many couples like the rhythm method because it's an all natural form of birth control and doesn't require taking synthetic hormones or inserting medical devices for pregnancy prevention.

    Disadvange: Reliability

    Because each woman's menstrual cycle is different and factors like diet, stress and age can cause a woman's menstrual cycle to change, it can be difficult to determine the exact time a woman is fertile.

    Advantage: Equal Participation

    Many couples see the rhythm method as a form of birth control whose responsibility is equally divided between both partners.

    Disadvantage: STDs

    The rhythm method doesn't provide any protection against sexually transmitted infections such as HIV, chlamydia or herpes.