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    Exercise Bike Workout Plan

    An exercise bike may be perfect for your fitness needs if you want something that is convenient and easy to use. An exercise bike does not take up too much room and it can be used indoors, rain or shine. Use an exercise bike as part of a comprehensive exercise plan that first helps you shed excess pounds and then strengthens your cardiovascular endurance. Start off with a moderate intensity cardio to lose weight or just prepare your body for more challenging exercise. Then, incorporate high-intensity interval training.

    A man riding an exercise bike in the bedroom. (Image: Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images)

    Moderate Intensity

    Step 1

    Warm up for five minutes at a light intensity.

    Step 2

    Exercise at 60 to 75 percent of your max heart rate prior to your warm-up. Use the bike's heart rate sensors on the handle bars or take your pulse if your bike does not have this feature. Subtract your age in years from 220 to get your max heart rate. Multiply your max heart rate by 60 percent and 75 percent. For example, a 30-year-old would have a max heart rate of 190 bpm and a target heart rate zone of 114 and 142.5 bpm.

    Step 3

    Cycle for 10 to 20 minutes depending on your fitness level. Work up to 60 minutes by gradually increasing your time each week. Exercise three to five days a week.

    Step 4

    Cool down for five minutes to lower your heart rate.

    High-Intensity Intervals

    Step 1

    Warm up for five minutes.

    Step 2

    Cycle at your maximum intensity for 20 seconds. Do not try to monitor your heart rate because the intervals are too fast for meaningful readings, though it should be noted that you should never exercise above your max heart rate.

    Step 3

    Cycle at a low intensity for 10 seconds to complete one round of high-intensity interval training.

    Step 4

    Cycle for another seven rounds of high-intensity interval training, alternating 20 seconds of high intensity with a 10-second recovery period, for a total of four minutes.

    Step 5

    Cool down for five minutes to lower your heart rate.


    Start out with moderate workouts until you can cycle for 60 minutes easily five days a week. Then, add days of high-intensity interval training to your workout routine. An ideal workout plan would be to do two days of moderate workouts and two days of high-intensity interval workouts each week, says Paul Robbins in an Experience Life Mag article, "Customize Your Cardio." Robbins is the metabolic specialist for Athlete's Performance training facility. He also recommends two days of light workouts and weight training for a complete fitness program.

    Either a recumbent or stationary exercise bike is fine for weight loss and endurance training.


    Check with your doctor prior to beginning a new exercise program.